Thursday, September 3, 2009

Media Consumption Log Week 2

6:00-6:05 woke up and checked email (saw advertisements on the side but in hebrew)
7:15 got on the bus and saw a coca-cola shop backing up into a supermarket
I listened to some upbeat music, mostly techno
7:25 saw 2 billboards
7:30 saw people in their cars on bluetooth. When you can't see the bluetooth headset device, it looks like they're talking to themselves.
7:35 saw a man on a bicycle with his iPod on. Isn't that dangerous?
7:45 notice that they changed a soft drink ad into a milk billboard
9:55-12:55 In Mrs.B's room on my laptop on facebook, watching youtube videos and going on my favorite blogs
After lunch I was just in class taking notes on my laptop.
3:15 On the bus I listened to some more techno because I was in a good mood. Usually if I am tired, I don't listen to music at all or then I put my "Chillout" Album on which is "beachy" feeling.
4:30-5:25 Went on the computer to check my email, blackboard and watch a TV show.
5:30-6:30 watched some MTV and VH1. I really don't enjoy watching MTV anymore because they always show these ridiculous shows like Sweet Sixteen and Room Raiders and even though many might find it entertaining, I think it's a waste of time. On VH1 there was a series of 80's video clips playing. I think people who like more mainstream music like MTV because they play it often. MTV Dance can be nice when they are playing techno songs from the 90's but VH1 and VH1 Classic are more for me because they play a lot of 80's, 90's and good rock music.
I realized I was using a variety of different medias this week compared to last week. For me, my media consumption also depends which day it is of the week (because I have free's or then a my favorite TV show is coming out that day). It also depends whether or not I have a large amount of school work since the more work I have, the less free time I'll have.

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