Monday, September 28, 2009

Exposure to Advertising

Havaianas ad in Wallpaper* Magazine

While I was looking through a magazine I bought during the summer, Wallpaper*, a design and fashion lifestyle magazine, I came across a colorful Havaianas ad for colorful and fun flip flops for the summer. The caption below the brand name states "The sky is blue!" said one foot to the other after trying on Havaianas. This advertisement is most definitely explicit as the flip flops are surrounded by bright colors, surf boards, palm trees and flowers which give the entire advertisement a strong tropical feel. I have seen a lot of people between the ages of 13-25 wearing Havaianas because they are comfortable,durable as well as affordable. The ad really catches my eye because of the bright colors they use in the background as well as the product. I could see how this product would do very well in this art magazine because of the different colors and the collage and different patterns of the entire ad itself.

Billboard advertising the HP Touchsmart Computer

On my way to and from school, I always look at the tall rectangular billboard inbetween the IKEA and the BIG sign. When you take the exit to Even Yehuda and come up the hill, it is right in front of you. Its huge, compared to normal billboards on the side of the road. I have noticed for the past year that I have lived here that they have changed it around 5-6 times. It is more of a slip of material over a framework rather than a billboard that has a blank background where a large paper image/advertisement is rolled down. I find this advertisement explicit because there is an image of the product with a fingerprint next to it, which symbolizes it is a touchscreen computer. As this is part of a newer technology and probably more expensive than other laptops, this ad is selling towards people between the ages of 18-70. I think maybe the touchscreen is more useful for elders because as people get older their motor skills seem to decrease and with a touch screen it is really easy. This billboard is in the perfect place to gain full potential because behind it, is the industrial zone of Netanya where many businesses and shoppers go to buy electronics.

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