Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Merchants of Cool Response

In the program, several market researchers claim that parents contribute to the prominence of the teen market by giving them “guilt” money. Do you agree? What techniques might you use to gather evidence to prove or disprove their assertion?
Besides parents, where else might teens be getting the money they spend? Do you think
the marketers’ picture of parents is true for all families? If not, which families are being left out of their picture and why?

Teenagers have been influenced to buy products ever since the advertising industry has boomed. Over the past three decades, adolescents have become so independent on their own that they feel the need to go out and spend money on something. As one, two or both parents work in a typical home nowadays; parents do not pay attention or spend as much time with their children. When teenagers have nothing to do, they want to go to the mall, go to the movies or be with their friends, this will all costs money, which makes teenagers the most powerful consumers of our generation. With trends changing every day, teenagers feel the need to keep up with these influences, which cause the teenage population to spend over 150 billion dollars, in America alone. Being a teenager myself, I can predict that that number will only get bigger as more and more developments are coming into our world today.
As parents usually work 8 to10 hours a day and teenagers roughly 6 to 7, teenagers are usually at home or wanting to hang out with their friends. Parents contribute to the teen market because they are the ones giving their hard earned money to teenagers to spend on clothes that they are begging for or a new CD that they have to have. Fridays are common days when teenagers like to go out during the evening with their friends. Depending on where you go, clubs tend to be a place which reel many teenagers in as they know they can express themselves and dance freely without any parental supervision. There are also places like the movies, restaurants as well as amusement parks that teenagers love to go to.
Teenagers tend to get their money from parents by getting a weekly or month allowance or then asking their parents whenever they need money. In the United States, a lot of teenagers 16 and up work at fast food chains or at store retailers where they can make the minimum wage or higher. Personally, I think that teenagers these days rely too much on their parents and need to learn how to make their money, legally that is. I wish I had a job right now because I could handle to work after school but seeing that I am a diplomat and they usually only have summer jobs open in the embassy, it is very inflexible unlike Hebrew speakers who can get a job anywhere in Israel. If I ask my parents for 100NIS I will save half of it and keep it safe until I ask for another 100NIS and save a parcel of that. Overall, teenagers should at least do something to earn some of their money because when you get to spend your own hard earned money, it feels great!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Exposure to Advertising

Havaianas ad in Wallpaper* Magazine

While I was looking through a magazine I bought during the summer, Wallpaper*, a design and fashion lifestyle magazine, I came across a colorful Havaianas ad for colorful and fun flip flops for the summer. The caption below the brand name states "The sky is blue!" said one foot to the other after trying on Havaianas. This advertisement is most definitely explicit as the flip flops are surrounded by bright colors, surf boards, palm trees and flowers which give the entire advertisement a strong tropical feel. I have seen a lot of people between the ages of 13-25 wearing Havaianas because they are comfortable,durable as well as affordable. The ad really catches my eye because of the bright colors they use in the background as well as the product. I could see how this product would do very well in this art magazine because of the different colors and the collage and different patterns of the entire ad itself.

Billboard advertising the HP Touchsmart Computer

On my way to and from school, I always look at the tall rectangular billboard inbetween the IKEA and the BIG sign. When you take the exit to Even Yehuda and come up the hill, it is right in front of you. Its huge, compared to normal billboards on the side of the road. I have noticed for the past year that I have lived here that they have changed it around 5-6 times. It is more of a slip of material over a framework rather than a billboard that has a blank background where a large paper image/advertisement is rolled down. I find this advertisement explicit because there is an image of the product with a fingerprint next to it, which symbolizes it is a touchscreen computer. As this is part of a newer technology and probably more expensive than other laptops, this ad is selling towards people between the ages of 18-70. I think maybe the touchscreen is more useful for elders because as people get older their motor skills seem to decrease and with a touch screen it is really easy. This billboard is in the perfect place to gain full potential because behind it, is the industrial zone of Netanya where many businesses and shoppers go to buy electronics.

Media Consumption Log Week 4

18:00 take my Trek bike out to go biking

While riding my bike for 2 hours to Netanya, I use an American Embassy Belgium water bottle. I see people have Nike, Adidas and Puma shorts, shoes and shirts on.

19:10 arrive in Netanya and pass the IKEA and Big sign on my way up. I also see a large HP sign. Usually in the morning while going to school, I see those big advertisements.

19:10-19:45 Lost in Netanya...

20:00 Go to a park and sit down in the Center. Change sweaty Nike Shirt to a shirt I bought in Barcelona. See Marlboro Reds and Menthols on the ground and Clipper Lighters.

00:15-1:15 Ride back from Netanya to Herzliya. Listened to Infected Mushroom on my iPod.

1:30 checked facebook and hotmail.

1:30-2:00 talked on the phone

2:00-2:15 SMSing

2:15-2:30 went to bathroom and prepared for bed: Colgate, Crest, Listerine, Body Shop Body Butter, Proactiv

2:30 went to bed


8:00 woke up and had Honey Bunches of Oats

8:30-9:30 went on facebook, checked BlackBoard, Powerschool and SquirrelMail.

9:45-11:00 put my Nike Shorts, Nike Shirt and Converse to go out biking. Took a shower and used Pantene and Proactiv.

On weekends my Media Consumption Log is not too eventful. In school I am exposed to more advertisements and to different types of media because I am in a school environment with other students who use a greater amount of media than when i'm at home.

Monday, September 21, 2009

"The Corporation" vs. "The Ad and the Ego"

“The Ad and the Ego goes beyond deconstructing individual advertisements to reveal the economic and political dimensions of living in an advertising infused environment. In our “new world order” of diminishing resources and devastating pollution, this film makes the critical connections between the rise of consumerism, environmental degradation and our blind commitment to economic growth at any cost. It forcefully demonstrates the link between our debased public discourse and a media culture that defines freedom as consumer choice rather than democratic participation.” – The Ad and the Ego web site

Consumerism has always been a significant ideology used by most corporations as it has had a large impact on us, the consumers of products. Corporations have led us to believe that they are helping the people rather than themselves. That is not true. In these two documentary films “The Corporation” and “The Ad and the Ego” we can see and listen to revealed information about the downsides of corporations and the burdens they carry to our environment and society. The documentary “The Corporation” exposed the corporation’s greediness and that even if they hurt the environment or hire underage workers; they are only doing it for their benefit, to make as much money as they possibly can. The other informative documentary, “The Ad and the Ego” helps us understand the media from a different medium, advertisements, and how much we absorb of its information.

Firstly, the documentary titled “The Corporation” showed us watchers and consumers that corporations depend on greed. Without greed in corporations, they would not survive. In order to continue to exist, corporations have to live off of the money that, we the people, buys. A majority of corporations mask their true identities such as the company Coca Cola. During the Nazi Regime, Coca Cola had a positive influence in America as a traditional soda drink for the whole family. The Coca Cola Corporation saw this drink as a way to make large profits so they sold it overseas to Germany. The Coco Cola Company knew that this would make their company look bad so they changed the name to Fanta. Although Fanta was a type of orange soda, the German soldiers were happy as well as the corporations back in America. This documentary also showed how harmful corporations are to people as well as our environment. For example, Kathie Lee Gifford manufactured a clothing line along with Disney that helps children in need. In fact, Gifford did not help any child as she was using child labor in a large number of sweatshops. Workers end up getting paid a lot less than they should and the environment becomes extremely polluted from chemicals that cause cancer. Corporations often see that profit overthrows public health and our natural surroundings which eventually make the public oblivious as to what is really happening with our money.

In the second documentary, “The Ad and the Ego” we clearly see how advertisements affect us as well if our brain really analyzes the advertisements when we are occupied. Advertisements have changed over the past 2 centuries as advertisements were used to give the information about products. When technology and advertisement agencies became more evolved and technical, advertisements were selling more of a lifestyle and attitude. We can clearly see this in any advertisement that is shown on the television such as Visa’s slogan, “It’s anywhere you want to be!”. Most advertisements will make people believe that their life will be completed if they buy their product. In documentary, a man told a couple to look in the mirror for 15 minutes. The research showed that no matter how long the person looked into the mirror, they would always find imperfections about themselves such as acne or frizzy hair. This shows that we are greedy ourselves and that we cannot see ourselves for who we are but what we are not. Products do not make us who we are, they just patch up our imperfections and when you feel perfected, something else will be flawed. Our society believes by adding values such as happiness, sexuality, wealth, beauty etc., to our daily media, that we will live in an ideal world although the message of the media is unrealistic.

After watching “The Corporation” and “The Ad and the Ego”, we can learn the reality of these corporations and although they are helpful to our economy, they are harmful to us people. Every single one of us has probably bought a type of clothing made by an underage worker in a third word country. It is really sad to think that corporations have turned on us and made us feel like the guilty ones. Because of the large corporations, we have no choice but to follow in the footsteps as the consumers. By watching these movies, we can clearly see the downside of corporations.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Article Comparison: Super Size Me

The documentary “Super Size Me” starring Morgan Spurlock shows us the reality of eating fast food on a regular basis. Spurlock was determined to use this experiment to prove to Americans that eating fast food, specifically McDonald's, can cause serious problems. As Spurlock did the experiment, not only did he gain weight but he also experienced other unpleasant symptoms such as loss of breath, headaches and high blood pressure. The releasing of this movie caused controversy everywhere as people had different viewpoints about the precision of this monthly long trial. The two reviews, one from the New York Times and the other from TCS Daily clearly show two different opinions.

The first review from the New York Times reveals information about the movie that is more clear and straightforward. The reviewer, A.O. Scott seems like he is talking for everyone. He claims “that we should kill McDonald's before McDonald's kills us”. Even though, he states that this is not possible in the society we live in, he believes we need to change our daily lives in order not to indulge in fast food. Overall, this review was more towards what the public wants to really hear rather than a sugar coated review. It gives details of certain parts in the movie as well as some references to other problems such as issues dealing with tobacco companies.

The second review by Dr. Ruth Kava is more critical about the accurateness of the experiment. This person questions whether or not all of the information was displayed to the public or if it was over exaggerated. She also proposes that in reality, people do not eat fast food three times a day everyday so therefore the experiment would not be accurate. The reviewer is suggesting that Spurlock knew the outcome; gaining 25 pounds and that Spurlock wants to blame McDonald's rather than us individuals for consuming fast food even though we are the ones who buy it. For example, people know cigarettes are bad for our health but they still buy and smoke them. Why? Because they are addicted. Commercials and advertisements of McDonald's are targeting young children and adults everyday. By doing this, our future generations will be exposed to fast foods and from all directions, will dominate our family restaurants, our living rooms, or even our cars.

Overall, these two articles show contrasting views as one talks about the movie on a neutral note and the other questions the accuracy of the experiment. The New York Times article was more general and talked about the negative effects of fast food. The review from TCS Daily was more reasonable because even though it said the experiment was not original, it also pointed out that it was unrealistic. It is very improbable that someone eats McDonald's 3 times a day over a long period of time. Although the review from the New York Times is stating the obvious harms, the article from TCS Daily is examining a more realistic approach.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Media Consumption Log Week 3

10:00-10:25 wake up, check my email
10:30-11:30 watch Fashion TV Breakfast and VH1 Morning Special
1:00-3:00 On the computer, doing homework and chatting to friends
4:00-6:30 Come back on the computer, watch 2 movies online, look at some blogs and artists websites
6:30-8:30 Listen to music on iPod while working on relaxes me and makes me work more efficiently
9:30 Go in the my bathroom, brands everywhere: Crest, Listerine, Dove, Pantene...I usually never change brands I use for certain products. I remember I was using this other acne brand and when I went back to America there were these commercials for Proactiv so I decided to buy it to give it a try. Now I use Proactiv everyday.
9:45-10:30 check my email and finish any other homework

I noticed that in my last 2 consumption logs I wrote a lot more of what I was doing. This log was on the weekend on a Sunday so therefore it made a large difference. On Fridays and Saturdays I would be more exposed to the media since I go out but on Sundays I relax.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Media Consumption Log Week 2

6:00-6:05 woke up and checked email (saw advertisements on the side but in hebrew)
7:15 got on the bus and saw a coca-cola shop backing up into a supermarket
I listened to some upbeat music, mostly techno
7:25 saw 2 billboards
7:30 saw people in their cars on bluetooth. When you can't see the bluetooth headset device, it looks like they're talking to themselves.
7:35 saw a man on a bicycle with his iPod on. Isn't that dangerous?
7:45 notice that they changed a soft drink ad into a milk billboard
9:55-12:55 In Mrs.B's room on my laptop on facebook, watching youtube videos and going on my favorite blogs
After lunch I was just in class taking notes on my laptop.
3:15 On the bus I listened to some more techno because I was in a good mood. Usually if I am tired, I don't listen to music at all or then I put my "Chillout" Album on which is "beachy" feeling.
4:30-5:25 Went on the computer to check my email, blackboard and watch a TV show.
5:30-6:30 watched some MTV and VH1. I really don't enjoy watching MTV anymore because they always show these ridiculous shows like Sweet Sixteen and Room Raiders and even though many might find it entertaining, I think it's a waste of time. On VH1 there was a series of 80's video clips playing. I think people who like more mainstream music like MTV because they play it often. MTV Dance can be nice when they are playing techno songs from the 90's but VH1 and VH1 Classic are more for me because they play a lot of 80's, 90's and good rock music.
I realized I was using a variety of different medias this week compared to last week. For me, my media consumption also depends which day it is of the week (because I have free's or then a my favorite TV show is coming out that day). It also depends whether or not I have a large amount of school work since the more work I have, the less free time I'll have.