Wednesday, December 9, 2009

In Korea, a Boot Camp Cure for Web Obsession

I thought this was a really interesting article because I would have thought that the majority of people who are addicted to the internet are in the United States. I think this idea of a "boot camp" is a very smart idea because it exposes these internet addicts to the real world rather than their "virtual" one. It seems it has become increasingly popular in South Korea but i'm hoping it will be this available in other countries. Reading about teenagers who pass out from exhaustion of staying on the computer too much and skipping school just to stay on there is quite scary because I personally stay on my computer around 10-12 hours everyday, a lot higher than it was 2 years ago: 4-6 hours. I think these days people do not get to enjoy the true outdoors because we are overloaded with school work or we are too attached to our electronics; cell phones, iPods, PC's, laptops etc. At this very moment I am dazing off on my screen because I've been looking at a screen for the past 7 hours in school. Hopefully in the future, there will be help for those who are extremely addicted to the internet and computers all over the world.

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