Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Digital Truth

People in today’s society rely on the media to find the best shops, the best food and drink, the best restaurants, best hair product etc. As people in the 20th and 21st century have grown up to be so visual and connected to technology such as the television and internet, there is no doubt that they see digitally enhanced photographs or advertisements. People buy what looks good. Companies do not want to get a amateur photographer to take a photo of their product, they want a professional who also knows Photoshop to make their product look as perfect as possible although to the general public, we know it’s false. When we see pictures of women in magazines with beautiful hair and flawless skin, we know its fake even though in the back of our minds we want to believe its real. I think the media has wired us to think that although it’s slowly deteriorating people’s perceptions and how they should look or what they should buy. A product that looks nice in advertisements, costs twice as much but does half the job as an unknown brand that cost less is all based on our decision making. Our media is reaching us in so many ways: internet, TV, magazines, newspapers etc. that we are so dependent on it. This can cause of problem in our sense of judgment as we give in so quickly and easily to these false images. Our generation has already grown up thinking that being skinny and having the latest looks is all that matters, think about the next. The media is covering up what is real and we can’t possibly “break the habit”. There is a reason why it’s called digital truth and if it becomes exposed, companies will suffer, people will think differently about themselves and their habits and maybe our world would be more realistic rather than fake and hidden.

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