Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Digitial School Library

The article, "Digital School Library Leaves Book Stacks Behind" by Tina Antolini talks about a so-called "elite" school that is getting rid of its library and replacing it with e-book online, Amazon Kindles, flat-screen TV's and computers where students can study online. The school officials had already seen the trend of student's bringing in their laptops and researching and reading more online than actual book. I disagree with the school because I believe that a library is a sanctuary where you can read a book or even go on the computer but still be quiet. Now it isn't even a library and there is a lot of noise. Some of best in-depth research is in book and Encyclopedia's and now everything is just online. As my father always put it, he used to go to the library whenever he had a research paper due and stay there for hours but then again he had time to "play" with his friends after school. As work load has increased, students are constantly working from the time they get home until right before they go to bed. I agree that technology is changing and we cannot stay in the past forever, but this is happening way too fast. With this happening, many views have been stated about this article from different users online.

My thoughts on David, Bockoven, Adam Coffey and Heather Hughes:
All of these commentators talk about how uncomfortably it is to read on a screen and by reading it could hurt the eyes but reading pages of books does not hurt the eyes although I think with books there is a longer focusing span.

My thoughts on Pat Anderson:
She claims that a lot of books are not available in e-book form. A lot of books that we are searching for for research or just for leisure will not all be available for us at this moment.Some works that are censored are not put online but are only found in libraries.

My thoughts on Mark O and M Campbell:
These are contrasting views. MarkO talks about how it is also an environmental issue as trees re being cut down to make the paper from books and taking the carbon dioxide away from our atmosphere (so it's less clean). M Campbell responds that even if trees are being cut down people are throwing their electronic reader in the trash or worse in a stream causing more problems as they contain toxic chemicals.

Overall, I thought the school went too far with taking the entire library out. Every school needs books. Some people love books and some people hate them but there is no reason to not have a place where people can read actual books.I think these electronic books should be an option as all students learn in different ways.

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