Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Why do stereotypes exist? What purpose do they serve?

Stereotypes are everywhere. Realistically, everyone has over simplified a person in their lifetime but the truth is we can't help it. The media has made us who we are today by attaching a stereotype to a person of a certain race, culture, or group. For example, television series are only allowed 4 episodes to air until they are given the chance to either succeed or fail. Many producers of these shows typically place characters that are of a certain stereotype -- the smart Asian boy, the popular girl, the jock who everyone loves. Many of these stereotypes are people who we can relate to in real life although some shows over exaggerate the stereotype. Producers know that if they show a simple character that everyone knows, then more people will be interested in the show because they do not need to take to time to analyze the complexity of the character. We learn about certain stereotypes from the media as well as from friends and family. This creates a long and on-going process which leads to the spread of stereotyping. Stereotypes exist because for us as people we do not want to analyze a complex character, we want to give the individual a simplified name or term and assume that it is somewhat or entirely true. In conclusion, stereotypes are everywhere, especially in the media and in our society.They are utilized because we want a quick generalization rather than a complex one.