Thursday, October 15, 2009

Norris 5 Analysis of article "Luxiries dazzle gangsters' girls" by Karl Penhaul on CNN

Informative vs Superficial --> Superficial

This is very superficial. I cannot believe they even put this in CNN. This is more of a story for the National Enquierer story section. It just talks about how some girls were sold into the lives of these drug bosses. It focuses in on one woman specifically and how she can now talk about it since he's dead. Although it is very sad to see how easy she was to be sold into this life and how protective he was with her, it really has no relevance to what is really happening like wars and health issues.
Accurate and Truthful vs False and Deceptive --> A bit of both
I think this article is both accurate and truthful as well as false and deceptive because even though the woman explains how she got all of this jewelry and how she enjoyed it at first but later hated it. Why would someone stay with a person if you knew they were wanted by the cops and they were using the drug money to buy you gifts? I thought she was lying about the way she felt for him because the only reason she could have been bought into that would be because of his money. It is also very true because many women are "bought" by men these days. When you walk down the street you see 60, 70, 80 year old guys with 20 and 30 year old women and you can see that they have money. I think if the girl was smart and strong enough she would know better.
Objective vs Bias --> a bit more objective than bias
I find this article to be both objective and bias because firstly its only coming from one girl as the other girls do not want to speak out or they may get in trouble. She says that if you have breast implants then you will be wooed right away by the drug lords but that isn't true because there are millions of women who have breast implants.
Pluralistic vs Insular Viewpoint --> Insular viewpoint
As there is only one person speaking and no other references of anyone else except the man she was with (who is dead) there is an insular viewpoint. It states in the article that the other women of drug bosses do not want to be interviews because they might get their boyfriends or themselves in trouble but she, Yovanna, has the courage to speak out against him because he is dead.
Balanced vs Weighted Side --> weighted side
As I said before, there is no balanced side because there is no one else in this article. Although she makes points like she felt empty inside after a certain time and how he would choose stuff for her, I would like to see if there is a woman who is actually enjoying her life with a boss and to see what the other women have to say.

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