Wednesday, August 26, 2009

War of the Worlds

I remember listening to this in 4th grade. To look back on it then, I still had the same reaction as I did when we listened to it a few days ago. Technology back then was obviously not as advanced as it is today. If it was, many people wouldn't have done the things they did such as aborting babies and supposedly committing suicide. In 1938, nobody was thinking that martians from Mars would begin to attack people with laser guns. If I heard a broadcast exactly like that with the realistic sounds and the interruptions I would think it is a hoax. These days there are so many hoaxes such as picture hoaxes to show that UFO's are real, Bigfoot is still on the run and Nessie is still out soaking in Loch Ness. From what I heard, I thought people went a little overboard but for something like that to happen back then, I would understand that there would be a need panic.

I think this statement is entirely true. For example, a few months ago I was watching a movie called "It's All Gone Pete Tong". It is about a DJ who becomes deaf and about his struggles to stay on top. The beginning of the movie has a person interviewing famous DJ's telling the cameras they Frankie Wilde (the Deaf DJ) was the greatest DJ in the world until he went "lost". I went online and I looked up "Frankie Wilde" and there was just the actor who played Frankie Wilde in the movie. I finally came across a movie critic site that said it was all fake. I thought it was interesting how they made so many people believe he was real when he wasn't. Truthfully, everyone falls for deceptions almost everyday. We could see a cosmetic commercial and it says it will make you the most beautiful person in the world but it in reality it can't. Also with politics and news, can we really trust that one person who writes an article we are interested in? Can we really trust the politicians and presidents who introduced us to scandal in the news? We are all so wired to media that nobody cares anymore and if you can get past the deceptions of the media then you are very strong minded.

I always think...what would it be like for me to move from a house that has internet, phones, radio almost every kind of media and go to a cabin out far in the woods with just running water and an emergency telephone. If people did that, would we be happier?...Would we enjoy the quality of life more?

Media Consumption Log Week 1

6:00-6:10 went on facebook/checked email
6:15-6:30 while I was taking a shower I noticed my Pantene bottles and thought about how fake those Pantene or should I say hair product commercials were. There is no way that someone can make their hair that shiny and that silky with just shampoo and conditioner without going to a professional.
6:30-6:40 changed into my ISST Softball t-shirt
6:45-6:50 looked at the calender on my phone to see important dates
7:15-7:50 went on bus and listened to fast upbeat music (trance/psytrance music). This is usually how I start my day...
7:15-7:30 children were getting on my bus with their AIS shirts
I noticed that the bus driver was listening to the radio a lot. He switched from a station with a morning show in Hebrew to a rock n' roll station that had songs in English. At the same time the radio was on, he was also talking to other people on loudspeaker on the phone.
7:20-7:30 Bus is in the Industrial Zone in Herzliya. There are so many advertisements in this area for different shops and restaurants. I noticed a big one on the side of an old building for Jansport (the backpack company)
7:40-7:45 arriving towards the school. Of course I saw the big IKEA and Tiv Taam sign as well as the Cats Inn billboard (which I noticed has changed).
7:45 Right near the school there is a big photo of Gilad and he's looking right at you...
8:30-8:40 go on email and facebook
9:55-11:20 go on certain sites for research as well as my email and see ads from Google on the side.
11:20-12 Listen to music...since it was art class I usually have a certain taste in music I can't explain..."creative thinking music"
During 12 until the end of school I didn't really notice a lot of media...I was using my laptop to take notes for most of the time but I stayed in the same room for a while so not a lot changed.
3:15 Going towards IKEA there's a big SPRITE ad. Before they used to have a Pepsi ad and it said "MAX IT TO THE MAX". I remember my father telling me "wow even I could make that up..They pay these guys thousands of dollars and that's all they can come up with?".
3:15-3:45 Listening to music. It was slightly softer more "acoustic" music that didn't really have words just very relaxing beats.
4-4:30 Listen to music
4:45-6 Doing work on laptop as well as downloading albums and movies.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Who Owns the Media?

Media has progressed over the past century from using radios to broadcast news all the way to having the headlines sent directly to your phone. Media is all around us, it stalks us everywhere we go and there is no way we can hide from it. Even though media is beneficial to the economy, our social lives and development, media statistics can be frightening. In America 40%, almost half the population, watches TV while eating and 25% fall asleep on the couch around three times a week. Surprisingly, we see around 3,000 advertisements a day ( and most of us are oblivious to it. Is this really healthy for our society? Are the large corporations going overboard with advertisements? Ultimately the question is asked, “Who owns the media?” and consumers stare at each other in awe and don’t know what to say. In reality, it is the ten major companies but with society in the way, we become responsible for the media expanding as it has today.

The media is addictive and every consumer can agree. It is easily accessible to most people and is a global phenomenon. Medias, such as interactive mediums and mass media like the internet can help us communicate quickly with fellow relatives or friends. People have relied so much on different types of media, that we feel lost or hopeless if we lose a phone or forget to bring a laptop. Because the media is so effortlessly available and affordable almost everyone can buy some type of media. Another media such as the internet has left a lot of consumers unintentionally knowing that we are thieves because movies, books, and images are exposed and illegally leaked on the internet. In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave the media is expressed significantly with shadows to define from what is right and what is wrong. We look to media to see what clothes we should wear, which politician we can trust and what car to drive but is it all real? Are we able to trust what we called so called “news”? We are so dependent on the media today and we are all solely responsible for what the media has developed into today.